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  4. Reset Utility: WICReset Service

Reset Utility: WICReset Service

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There have been a number of other utility options in the past but access to compatible tools has become increasingly difficult while the technical skills required, have increased. Additionally the sheer number of new models being released were leaving an increasing hole in reset capability.

Theadvent of the WICReset tool has plugged this hole and provided, not only coverage of most new models but additionally a Mac OS version.


The WICReset (Windows) and iWIC tools are both written by a third party developer and they provide two primary functions.

  1. Check a printers waste counter reading and provide a percentage indicator that shows how “full” the waste counter is [FREE]
  2. Reset printer waste counters [KEY REQUIRED]

How They Work

The utility identifies all Epson printers installed on your computer and lists them. In most cases it will also determine whether it is compatible with your printer(s) by indicating this next to the printer name.

If the printer is compatible you can then “Read” the waste counter to get the current count and a percentage so you can see how “full” the waste counter is.

If one or more of your waste ink counters is 100% or more, you will need to reset your printers waste ink counters. To do this you need to have purchased a key (see below) which you input when prompted, after clicking on the “Reset” button. This should then reset your printer.



Download WICReset (Windows)
Download iWIC (MacOS)

Purchasing (Keys)

Keys for use with WICReset and iWIC utilities are available for purchase on OctoInkjet

IMPORTANT: You should check your printer compatiblity BEFORE you purchase a key as these are non-refundable


There are three ways to check if your printer is compatible:

  1. Use the Printer: Quickfind tool on OctoInkjet to identify the best reset utility for your printer
  2. Check the Compatibility tab on this Product key listing
  3. Download and run the Utility itself and it will list all active printers, indicating which are compatible.

NOTE: The OctoInkjet QuickFind tool is the recommended primary reference as it will indicate alternatives if available for your printer.

Printer not Compatible

If your printer is not currently compatible please check the QuickFind tool to see if an alternative utility is available.

If your printer is still not supported by any available reset utilities then please contact me with the details of your printer, model number and a valid email address. Hopefully I can work with the developers to get your particular model added in future versions or find an alternative solution.

Paying to Reset…

Anyone who knows the 10+ year history of reset utilities will know that there have been some “free” utilities available that reset some printer models.

Unfortunately as awareness grew of reset tools, such tools became rarer and deliberate efforts have been made by manufacturers to hamper access, availability or use of such tools. As with third party consumables the issue of waste counter reset has now become even harder as manufacturer efforts now seem to be aimed specifically at stopping end-users being able to maintain their own printer.

It is our opinion that given the work to date and the increasing difficulty in keeping the tools up to date, it is unfair to think that someone would do this all for nothing except for a nice pat on the back and the occassional thank-you.

The bottom line is that the developers have to pay their bills, so the reset key/service costs a small fee to allow you to reset your printer. The alternative is no reset ability at all.

If you are unhappy about this and want to find a different option then by all means look around. Unfortunately it seems the only other options are Service Centers that will charge between £20 ($30) and as much as £50 ($75) for the same service.

Updated on 2 January 2025
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