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Christmas 2024 & New Year dates
Please check our Christmas/New Year timetable
For more details please read this article

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OctoInkjet is based in the UK and our site supports and accepts multiple currencies.

Please select the currency you wish to view prices and/or pay in below:



  • GBP, EUR, USD can be used to pay via all payment options
  • CAD & AUD can only be used to pay via Paypal

Printer: Quickfind

Type model number & select:

This tool will automatically edit and/or reformat your input to help locate your chosen printer


Which Kit

The Waste Ink Kit section has been changed recently due to the inclusion of easier to use tools and categories.

You have two ways of locating the correct kit for your printer model:

  1. Use the Quickfind Tool to type in your printer model number
    (eg: type "1400" for the Stylus Photo 1400)
    The tool will offer all matching printer models, allowing you to select the correct one (with a left mouse click). It then provides all compatible products and related information in a pop-over window.

  2. Use the Category tree to locate your printer model via the brand then prefix categories.
    (eg: "* Epson Printer Products" > "Photo Series" to locate the Epson Stylus Photo 1400)

If all else fails you can also use the site search (located top right on all pages) or contact us using the online chat (bottom right) or contact details

    There are no products in this category.