Ink Supply Changes Updated: 18th June 2015New section on manufacturer transparency added Originally Posted: 12th March 2015 In mid to late 2014, Image...
Ink: Lifespan, Expiry & Storage For the purposes of this article we are referring to bulk inks supplied in bottles and used to either refill...
Flushing cartridges – which water? Something that crops up a lot is flushing cartridges so they can be refilled. As a general rule you can...
Replacing inks in a CIS system The following video deals with a common support request we get from customers interested in our compatible inks for Epson...
Canon Pro-10 :: Tips & Troubleshooting This article covers tricks, tips and work-arounds that can be used to resolve problems such as ink starvation/flow issues, paper/ink...
Epson Ecotank Printers This section is due an update as we’ve spent a lot of time working on Ecotank models and failed to...
Paul Roark – Black & White inksets and printing ( B&W ) At the request of a few of our customers, OctoInkjet continues to stock a number of the component inks used...
Bottle Volumes/Sizes for Our Inks We currently stock inks in a number of sizes depending on the ink type, demand and characteristics of the ink...
Does OctoInkjet sell bulk ink? Yes, we do sell bulk inks for a variety of inkjet printers. Our inks are sourced primarily from STS-inks in...
Bulk Ink: Item Not Stocked? The Printer: QuickFind tool provides ink information for as many printers as possible but it doesn’t mean that we stock...