Is Live chat, WhatsApp or FB Messenger ever available? We have opted to deactivate live support, facebook messenger, etc… in favour of regular checks of emails and helpdesk system....
VAT Registered Customers [EU] Since the UK left the European Union the information relating to this has changed and needs to be updated as...
How is shipping cost calculated? Shipping costs are calculated based on the order value, destination and service cost along with a small margin to cover...
Local Pickup/Collection Policy Apologies for the very long winded policy document but hopefully this explains in detail when collection is available and what...
Order Problem – Common Issues This article is intended to provide a few things to check out after an attempt to pay for an order...
Import Duty/Tax – International (Non-EU) Orders EU Customers Now that the UK has left the EU there are a number of questions that we need to...
I live in the USA. Can I order Syringes and/or Needles to be shipped here If you are based in the USA (or any other country where some restrictions on Syringes/Needles exist) you need to...
Order Delays : Why, What, When There are a number of instances when an order may be delayed so here’s a quick run down of the...
Enabling Javascript The OctoInkjet store requires Javascript to be enabled to allow you to place an order successfully. The reason for this...
What Do I Pay? (Taxes/Pricing on OctoInkjet) The OctoInkjet store obeys a set of rules on how relevant tax (VAT/GST/PST, etc..) should be applied to orders depending...