Yes, we do sell bulk inks for a variety of inkjet printers.
Our inks are sourced primarily from STS-inks in the USA but we are also supplying ink from a number of other manufacturers where a particular product or ink blend is more suitable for one or more printers/cartridges.
- KMP – Pigment blacks particularly suited for Canon PGI-BK cartridges
- Inktec – For the K3 series of Epson pigment printers among others.
- OCP – Providing inks for T26xx/24xx Epson cartridges in printers like the XP-600, XP-950, etc…
All ink bottle labels and product listings indicate the manufacturer and/or country of manufacture for the ink.
OctoInkjet Branded Inks:
Some inks may be produced under the OctoInkjet brand name and not provide specific manufacturer information. In this instance the ink itself will always be a consistent formulation and manufactured by a single entity. Any inks produced under a different formulation would be given a new ink code and noted accordingly to avoid issues such as unintended mixing, etc..