Wherever possible please use the online store system to place your order. If you do need to place an order by phone then please call between 10:30 – 14:00 GMT (or GMT+1 during daylight savings).
Our phone number is +44 (0)1226 827277 and we only speak English.
Credit/Debit card payments
While it is possible to take payment over the phone the process involved requires a considerable amount of information including your address and other contact details for both the order and cards billing address.
Where possible we would recommend you at least complete the customer registration and order process to the point before completing payment as this provides all of the information needed speed things up.
International Currency (Non-GB Pounds) payments
We are able to take payment over the phone for GBP (Pounds Sterling), EUR (Euro) and USD (US Dollar) cards.
If you need help in completing an order, while paying online, please don’t hesitate to contact us as we can still help walk you through the process for other payment options.