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Canon Megatank Printer Potty kits (G5000 to G7000 series)

Posted on 4th Dec 2022 @ 10:11:20 PM

We're currently working on disecting, reverse-engineering and creating Printer Potty kits and the requisite instructions needed to install the kits on a number of Canon Megatank printers.

The printer models on our hit list are:

  • G5050, G5020 (and equivalent)
  • G6050, G6020 (and equivalent)
  • G7050, G7020 (and equivalent)

The G5000 series is now supported fully with:


The G6000 series has now been researched and a video edit is being finalised for release in the next few days (2nd week June 2023).
We will be working with the WICReset developers to get this printer added to their list of supported printers.

The G7000 is in stock and waiting for research time to become available which should be in the 3rd week of June 2023.
This model is already supported by the WICReset utility.


Worth noting that this process has already resulted in an expenditure of over £800, just to purchase the printers, so the cost of the Printer Potty kits will be higher to help cover the costs of development and research. It'll still be a LOT cheaper than paying for a service or a new printer. If anyone has spares/repair units of this type, particularly those with the 5B00 (or 1700) service code error, then please get in touch as we'd like to be able to confirm the reset and install process on a few units to ensure we've covered all the bases.