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Posted on 1st Mar 2025 @ 10:50:53 AM
For anyone who needs an explanation, the WICReset app is developed in Ukraine and over time the people involved have become, if not friends, colleagues that we value. These people have endured loss of their home, family and friends all through no fault of their own, and we have quietly supported them and their people throughout the war brought by the Russian Federation. Regrettably it seems that remaining quiet is no longer an option, as fascism has risen from the ashes and taken hold in places no sane person would have expected.
If you do not wish to purchase our products or avail yourself of our support that is your right, as a free citizen of any number of countries. But, given many of us had grandparents who actively fought and suffered due to tyrany we will not sit idly by and pretend it is not happening or simply cross our fingers and hope, passively, that we won't be affected.
In light of the shameful behaviour of the 47th President of the United States we are now actively and publicly donating towards the Ukranian war effort via the Ukranian Govenments official fundraising campaign. https://u24.gov.ua/