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Christmas 2024 & New Year dates
Please check our Christmas/New Year timetable
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About OctoInk

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OctoInkjet now incorporates over 20 years of inspired failures, fixes and eurekas that define our experience in the inkjet printer market.

Originally our founder, Martin, started providing technical support within primary schools where the benefits of, then rare, Continuous Ink Supply (CIS) systems and waste ink management were an obvious path to very low cost printing. The key benefit being students ability to print and share their work without fretting about consumable costs and naturally this became an area the company quickly focused upon.

As we've grown we've chosen to focus on specific niche areas of the market where quality inks, waste ink solutions or legacy products would otherwise wilt to nothing due to lack of perceived profitability. We've sought to minimise waste such as the unnecessary disposal of printers. Printer Potty waste ink kits are a mainstay in this regard and have become even more relevant as the surge in CIS incorporated designs such as Ecotank continue to be pushed as short term consumables rather than long term investments.

Given an increasing awareness of electronic and plastic waste, we are firmly committed to reducing the number of printers reaching landfill, or indeed dumped on poorly equipped developing countries. So, with tens of thousands of kits sold worldwide, we're incredibly proud that the Printer Potty brand is now firmly associated with keeping Epson inkjet printers working long past their artificially limited "Service Life".

Throughout, OctoInkjet continues to innovate, developing new solutions such as our SquEasyFill and SquEasyV kits and we continue to identify and expand our selection of ink manufacturers as required, to offer the best solutions for a variety of printers. Coupled with refill kits and unique tools, OctoInkjet continues to cater for those looking to get the most out of their inkjet printer.


Company Details:

OctoInkjet Limited

  • Company No: 7769192
  • VAT Number: GB120631660