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Christmas 2024 & New Year dates
Please check our Christmas/New Year timetable
For more details please read this article

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Bulk Ink Suppliers

OctoInkjet sources inks from a select group of suppliers based in the USA, Germany and South Korea. While the bulk of our inks are still supplied from Image Specialists (USA) we have expanded our range to include solutions from additional suppliers/manufacturers. In many instances these are customer led, based on specific requests or recommendations.




STS-inks (previously Image Specialists) remain one of our primary ink suppliers after more than a decade using their inks under the original Image Specialists brand and following their merger.

The primary benefits of the Image Specialist inks are:

  • Consistent quality and performance
  • Excellent OEM (original) ink matching
  • Emphasis on performance over cost
  • Specific ink formulations for different printer/cartridge models


Inktec Co Ltd

The Inktec Powerchrome K3 inks have been actively sought by existing customers looking for other Ultrachrome K3 alternatives. As a result we now stock these inks and with are considering other products from this company.



While we have limited our KMP products to their Canon compatible Pigment Black formulations, these inks have proven particularly popular with enthusiasts who value these inks unique characteristics.


Prodinks GmbH

Prodinks have are more actively involved in niche ink development, helping us to offer ink formulations for printers like the Canon Pro-100, the CLI-551 ink sets with other collaborations expected in the future.



As another, albeit younger company, often compared against Image Specialists we have begun stocking some specific inks and ink sets where formulations provide a good quality alternative solution for specific printers.