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Christmas 2024 & New Year dates
Please check our Christmas/New Year timetable
For more details please read this article

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Recycling Cartridges


We are looking for used/empty original/OEM Canon cartridges of the following type:

  • CLI-65

We also collect these Canon OEM/original cartridges but due to the cleaning process required we need these with the orange clips attached:

  • PFI-300 (with orange clips attached)
  • PGI-72

All cartridges need to be original/OEM manufacturer type with chip still installed. We can't accept third party compatible cartridges or ones that have been modified for refilling by anyone other than ourselves.

Please see details below

Please note: We are no longer accepting CLI-42 or PGI-9 cartridges as we have more than sufficient supply for the next year or more. PGI-9 orange clips are still accepted however.


Currently there is very little re-use of original Ink-tank type cartridges and we're looking for ways to recycle and re-use these cartridges ourselves.

Most recycling schemes do not target or accept these units so we're hoping to encourage end-users to send us their cartridges so we can clean them up and either remanufacture with our inks or offer as refill-ready cartridges for end-users interested in our refill kits.

The table below shows which cartridges we're interested in and the credit/value we'll pay for each individually and/or as a set.

Updated: Feb 20th 2025

Type Orange Clip
For 1st set Each addiitonal

Each additional

CLI-42 No 2.00 GBP 2.00 GBP 0.25 GBP
CLI-65 No 5.00 GBP  5.00 GBP 0.50 GBP
PGI-9 (with clip) Yes 2.50 GBP 2.50 GBP 0.25 GBP
PGI-72 (with clip) Yes 6.50 GBP 6.50 GBP 0.65 GBP
PFI-300 (with clip) Yes 7.50 GBP 7.50 GBP 0.75 GBP
PGI-29 N/A N/A N/A N/A
PGI-72/9 & PFI-300 orange clips   1.00 GBP 1.00 GBP 0.10 GBP


We reserve the right to adjust and amend the credit values and/or terms indicated at any time, without notice, so please check with us before sending any cartridges to ensure you receive a quote for credit value.

As noted above, we are also interested in any stocks of the PGI-9/72 and PFI-300 orange transport clips so even if you only have these we're take them.


Cartridges need to be:

  • Empty/Used original (OEM) cartridges (we cannot accept third party, non-original cartridges)
  • With the original orange storage clips attached (where indicated above)
  • Virgin/Un-modified/Not-refilled (not refilled/used previously with the exception of remanufactured cartridges purchased from OctoInkjet)
  • Complete with chip attached (not damaged)
  • Uncontaminated (Not covered in toner or other non-ink contamination)


Sending the cartridges to us:

  • Please wait until you have a minimum of 8 cartridges before sending anything back.
  • Contact us with details of what you have FIRST so we can confirm our offer.
  • Pack to minimise shipping cost as much as possible.
  • If you're in the UK we can send you a free return shipping label to apply to your package and send via the local post office.


Credit/Payment Terms.

  • A "set" is a total number of cartridges that would normally be used in the target printer. Any colour will do. (eg: 10 Cyan PGI-72 is considered a set)
  • Cartridge Sets incorporates a value for postage/shipping in the first set
  • Subsequent sets are offered at a lower value as result
  • Any cartridges/clips remaining are calculated at a per cartridge value
  • We require a receipt or invoice for any cartridges where store credit is not requested

We reserve the right to adjust and amend the credit values and/or terms indicated at any time, without notice, so please check with us before sending any cartridges to ensure you receive a quote for credit value.


Tips for sending cartridges to us:

  • For small numbers of cartridges, try taping cartridges to an A4 sheet of card single layer and put into a C4 envelope to send Royal Mail Large Letter.
  • When sending in large numbers of cartridges please organise them into colour groups. This makes them easier to process.
  • While a sealed plastic bag to catch any leakage is welcome, please don't use multiple plastic bags to bag things up. This just generates more waste.