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Christmas 2024 & New Year dates
Please check our Christmas/New Year timetable
For more details please read this article

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Create Your Own Kit

After years of offering single fit refill kits we've decided that the one-size fits all approach is no longer appropriate, particularly as we are now making a number of ink and refill tool options.

So, we will shortly be offering smaller make-your-own refill kits based on multiple product listings.

The format is still being explored but the most likely system will be to create your refill kit from:

  • Ink Set(s)
  • Cartridges (refillable, remanufactured, none)
  • Chip Resetter (if appropriate/available)
  • Refill Tools (SquEasyFill, SquEasyV, Syringes, ...)

The idea being that you can choose which inks, tools to fit your refill approach, etc... and not be proscribed.

We will continue to suggest specific combinations for end-users needing more hand holding but we're hoping the choice will make things easier overall.


These new options will be coming online over the next few weeks so watch this space for updates.

[edit: 25th Jan 2020]