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At OctoInkjet we try very hard to have a postiive net effect on the environment in terms of everything from packaging materials to the overall environmental savings our products provide compared to "normal" printer use.
A plastic, re-usable and recyclable product that allows end-users to reset and re-use their prints way past the artifical "service required" lifespan that the waste ink counters in many printers would otherwise limit them to.
By allowing end-users to refill and re-use their OEM or refillable cartridges we provide a reduced footprint in both plastics and wasted ink.
Helping to keep printers working when standard driver cleaning functions won't work.
While we have always tried to encourage and find ways to re-use empty OEM cartridges for many Canon inkjet printers we're now actively targetting specific cartridges that are not normally re-used or recycled.
OctoInkjet was founded in large part to offset the huge waste generated from the "disposable" inkjet printer industry and while we're by no means squeaky "clean" we do what we can to reduce our environmental cost, while having a substantial impact in extending printer lifespans and reducing the waste from early retirement and disposal.